Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year Friends!

Happy New Year Friends!

For most of us, we picture another year as a new beginning, an opportunity to respond to another chance of being better, of growing, of creating more and living to the fullest. However you define a new year, one thing for sure it is something worth taking chances on.

So here’s to another year of major accomplishments, to simple moments of happiness, to another chance of sharing, to another chance of learning, winning over challenges, redeeming relationships to God and to others, to love and be loved, to forgive and be forgiven and another chance of taking another step towards our goals, and lastly another chance to enjoy the company of friends, families, colleagues and welcome new people in our lives.

And so, I welcome this New Year with so much gratefulness, as amidst the very challenging 2011, we were able to live it through, amidst the grief of losing people we dearly value in our lives, we move on filled with hope and gratefulness for the moments shared with these people and for the people who touched our lives for their kindness and generosity.

And to all of you who shared the road with me, thank you for being a blessing to our family. I know "thank you" would never be enough to show how grateful I am for your presence in my life, May God Bless you with more opportunities.

Have a Wonderful Journey everyone!

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